Investment Options
MN JCF stewards the philanthropic assets in your fund to help you make a positive impact through you or your family’s grantmaking, whether your plan is to recommend grants in the short or long.
When you choose to invest your fund in our investment pools, you receive world-class investment managers, expertise, and strategies. All investments are overseen by our experienced Investment Committee, and OCIO, and staff. In addition, MN JCF offers individuals and families with a certain amount in their fund the opportunity to use an Independent Advisor to hold and manage your fund’s assets, subject to approval by the Foundation’s Investment Committee.
As a donor to the MN JCF, you have four investment options from which to choose. The Foundation staff is available to help you select the Investment Pool/Option that best meets your objectives.
You may recommend* that the assets in your Fund be invested in one** of the two investment portfolios (the Short Term Income or the Long-Term Growth and Income Pool) and/or the Israel Bond Investment Option, as described below:
*Please note that the Foundation is legally required to retain final discretion over investment decisions and will not follow a donor’s recommendations when it is determined that doing so would not be in the best interest of the Foundation, the Federation, or its beneficiaries.
** Donors who have $500,000 or more in their funds will be able to invest in more than one investment option (that does not include the Jewish Advocacy Investment Pool).
MN JCF does not give tax, financial, or legal advice. Please consult your professional advisor(s) regarding your specific circumstances.
Jewish Advocacy Investment Pool
The Jewish Advocacy Investment Pool is a values-enhanced index strategy and seeks to primarily provide for the long-term growth of principal by investing in U.S. Large Cap Equity companies that JLens determines: 1) align with their definition of Jewish values that are rooted in Jewish text; 2) allow for significant shareholder advocacy; and 3) should be negatively screened out based on these specific sectors: tobacco, majority coal, for-profit prisons, and companies that acquiesce to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign. This Pool tracks the S&P 500. This Pool is most appropriate for donors that plan to distribute a small proportion of the fund balance each year, will make no distributions for a number of years before beginning to make distributions, whose time horizon is 10+ years incorporating a full market cycle, accept the investment risk of an all equities investment pool (including risk that fund balance could be negatively impacted by market cycles in the equities market), and want their funds aligned with Jewish values.
Risk Profile: Aggressive
Characteristics: Growth
Short-Term Income Pool
The Short-Term Income Pool seeks to generate a modest degree of income by investing primarily in short-term fixed income products. The primary objective is the preservation of capital. The secondary objective is to keep pace with inflation. This Pool is most appropriate for donors that plan to disburse a large portion of the funds within the next 1-3 years.
Risk Profile: Conservative
Characteristics: Income
Long-Term Growth & Income Pool
The Long-Term Growth & Income Pool seeks to primarily provide for the long-term growth of principal. This Pool is most appropriate for donors that plan to distribute a small proportion of the fund balance each year, will make no distributions for a number of years before beginning to make distributions, and whose time horizon is 10+ years incorporating a full market cycle.
Risk Profile: Moderately Aggressive
Characteristics: Growth & Income
Israel Bond Investment Option
The Israel Bond Investment Option seeks to support the State of Israel by investing solely in the direct debt obligations of Israel. An investment in this Pool is appropriate for those donors who wish to support the State of Israel by investing in sovereign debt. Investments in this pool are illiquid and the Pool will hold each Israel bond until its maturity.
Risk Profile for Israel Bond: Risk Averse
Characteristics: Small Income
Learn more about our annual impact reports and administrative fees.
Asset Allocation
Updated December 31, 2024
Long-Term Income Pool
Jewish Advocacy Investment Pool
Short-Term Income Pool
While the Foundation strives to provide the most-up-to date information, the asset allocation of the Foundation’s investment pools is subject to change so more updated information may available.
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee of MN JCF is comprised of 6-10 volunteers who are members of the local Jewish community and have a variety of business and professional expertise relating to the investment world. The Investment Committee is primarily responsible for; a) developing a risk-related investment strategy to achieve the fundholders’ spending policies and needs; b) evaluating and monitoring the investment performance of the portfolios on a regular basis so as to be reasonably assured of their compliance with the Investment Policy Statement (IPS); c) overseeing the professionals entrusted with providing investment services (Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO), currently SEI Investment Management Corporation and asset custodian services (currently U.S. Bank); and d) communicating investment performance and outlook with donors. Any changes in the IPS would require approval by the MN JCF Board of Governors.
Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO)
MN JCF Portfolio Returns can be provided upon request.
Stock Donation Instructions
The MN JCF has a stock account with Charles Schwab under “Minneapolis Jewish Federation” (the Foundation’s parent non-profit). We work with the Charles Schwab office located in Wayzata (952-404-0398).
Account Information:
Minneapolis Jewish Federation
Account number: 6347-5114
DTC number: 0164
Federal ID: 41-0693866
In order to credit the proper account, please let us know the name of the stock you are transferring and the number of shares.
Please contact Rafina Larsen at 952-417-2320 or rlarsen@jewishminneapolis.org with this information or if you have any questions.